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*These pieces are ghostwritten and do not have a byline


Xamax is a UK-based workwear supplier, specialising in PPE and work-place uniforms, including custom embroidery and design. Once Xamax stopped working with Digital 22, the links became broken and this year, Xamax's marketing manager, Andrew Hall, kindly got in touch to provide me with a list of updated and live links for my portfolio. 


When I worked in marketing, I found Xamax to be one of my favourite clients as they were easy to work with and I actually found the topics of PPE and construction fascinating to write about. There are so many regulations so I enjoyed reading on the UK government website about these different updates and translating that into easy-to-read text. I also got to write about different equipment and situations for which you'd need company workwear. 


  • May 2017, Guide to Personal Protective Equipment: PPE Compliance Checklist (Content download)

    • This guide was a comprehensive piece on PPE in light of the new regulations in 2017. The checklist provided a quick list of what managers and site supervisors needed to know about the seven types of PPE.

  • August 2017, The Xamax Guide to Working Outdoors in Winter (Content download)

    • The winter workwear guide explained the regulations business owners needed to follow when the temperatures dripped outside as well as when it was unsafe to work in temperatures, what equipment to use, any special storage and maintenance for the cold weather, and general advice. 

  • August 2017, The Xamax Guide to Working Outdoors in Summer (Content download)

    • The summer guide explained the dangers of working outside in conditions that were too hot (especially with our recent hot English summers) and the regulations that needed to be followed such as wearing and applying suncream, ensuring workers were wearing the correct PPE despite high temperatures, advice to hydrate as well as wear workwear clothing that contained UV protection. 

  • August 2017, The Xamax Guide to Working Outdoors in Spring (Content download)

    • The spring guide focused on the pests that would be encountered in the spring and how to care for and protect workers from insects and allergens. The guide explained the types of considerations that may be a factor in spring such as extra rainfall and the equipment needed for special weather conditions. 

  • November 2017, Uniform Policy Pack (Content download)

    • The uniform policy pack provided sample letters to get staff and stakeholders on board with an update in uniform policy as well as advice on the types of uniform they may purchase from PPE to customisable workwear polos with workplace branding and embroidery to construction and factory clothing. 


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